Free Scholarly Electronic Journals: An Annotated Webliography


  • Michael Fosmire Purdue University
  • Elizabeth A. Young SUNY Oswego



This article collects, organizes and annotates free scholarly electronic journals. Disciplines covered include Biological Sciences/Agriculture, Engineering/Computers/Technology, Mathematics, Medicine, Physical Sciences, STM Education, and Interdisciplinary/Complex Systems, while also listing directories of E-journals.


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Fosmire, Michael J. and Young, Elizabeth. In press. "Free scholarly electronic journals: what access do college and university libraries provide?" College and Research Libraries 61.7 (November 2000).

Harter, Stephen P. 1998. "Scholarly communication and electronic journals: an impact study." Journal of the American Society for Information Science 49.6: 507-516.

Harter, Stephen P. and Kim, Hak Joon. 1996. "Electronic journals and scholarly communication: a citation and reference study." Proceedings of the Midyear Meeting of the American Society for Information Science, San Diego, CA, May 20-22, 1996: 299-315. [Online.] Available {}. [October 2, 2000].

Hitchcock, Steve, Carr, Leslie, and Hall, Wendy. 1996. "A survey of STM online journals 1990-95: the calm before the storm." [Online.] Available: [October 2, 2000].

Mogge, Dru, editor. 1997. Directory of Electronic Journals, Newsletters, and Academic Discussion Lists, 7th edition. Washington, D.C.: Association of Research Libraries. [Online.] Available: {} [November 2, 2000].

Roes, Hans. 1994. "Electronic journals: a survey of the literature and the net." Journal of Information Networking 2.3 (1994): 169-186. [Online.] Available: {}. [October 2, 2000].

Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory. 38th Ed. (2000) New York, Bowker.




How to Cite

Fosmire, M., & Young, E. A. (2000). Free Scholarly Electronic Journals: An Annotated Webliography. Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, (28).



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